21 sep 2012

Test my work sby

Dear dear followers!
This post has been a little delayed cause this show was actually 2 weeks ago, BUT it's my styling work and of course I wanted to share these awesome pic's with you all. I'm still participating the styling workshop: Styled By You! But next weekend there will be an end to this adventure.. Going to tell you more about that upcoming event later on. 
The workshop has been asked now for 2 years in a row to host a stylingshow at a day in Amsterdam called: 'The day of the 1000 cultures'. It's an event with a lot of different preformances, like dance and music. Ashlee, our teacher asked me and 2 other girls of my group to put this show together that we already did one time. We only had one problem, we didn't had all the clothes from the show back then..  Eventually the girls Sade, Tania and me did a great job putting an allround show together! I asked my friend Cheraine (the bold chick!) to be my model cause my model Ronja couldn't make it that day.
But because of that I now have 4 very beautiful models for the event of next week. Below I will post a flyer and a link to the invitation on Facebook.. 
This will be our final Styling show, with a great event with it and a lot of fashionnnn! There will be a judge and one of the participants can win this amazing price, working with a stylist and a lot more! I'm super excited about although I've been super busy with school. My theme will be 'The Darkest Fairytail', with great music and outfits from several designers I hope to win this contest! I obviously will post a lot of pictures of that day..
Wish me good luck!
And what do you think about the styling of mine above?!

Feel free to come and join this amazing event!
It's free and full of fashion peeps!

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